Themes - Description & Scope

2024-25 Competition Set Themes with Descriptions and Scope

To see the full Competition rules and entry information here

This is a list of the competition PDI and PRINT set themes for the September 2024 to May 2025 competition year.

For each of the monthly competitions (with the exception of the Monochrome and Open PRINT competitions, see below), members may enter one image in the set Theme for that competition and a maximum of two images in the OPEN section ie. three images in total.
The set Theme descriptions and scope are detailed below. The interpretation of how well a picture fits the set subject, and how to include this interpretation in the marking, must be left to the discretion of the judge for the evening. The judge will be told that the description and scope is the guidance (where applicable) that has been given to all members. It may go without saying, but just for the record, an OPEN competition may have any image subject entered. There are absolutely no restrictions on subject matter as long as it is in good taste.

17th September - Open (PRINT)
Judge: David Kissman CPAGB, BPE3*, AFIAP
Theme Description/Scope
Anything goes; 3 images of any sort you wish. As long as they haven’t been entered into a previous monthly competition.

8th October - Cityscapes (PDI)
Judge: TBC
Theme Description/Scope
Photos with an urban twist, man-made vistas, cityscapes that show off the architectural greatness of the city, town or village.

19th November - The Church (PRINT)
Judge: TBC
Theme Description/Scope
Your image of a church can be external or internal, in use or no longer used. You can depict aspects of a church e.g. a tomb or stained glass window, and you can also set your church in a landscape – urban or rural – just as long as the image says ‘church.’

10th December - Still Life (PDI)
Judge: TBC
Theme Description/Scope
Your still life shots can include anything and everything - the more interesting the better.

21st January - Annual PDI - OPEN competition
Judge: David Gibbins ARPS, APAGB, EFIAP/b, BPE5, CPAGB/av
Theme Description/Scope
As this is an OPEN competition images may be a mixture of both colour and monochrome, there is no restriction on subject matter. Members may enter a maximum of three images. Images may be either new or have been entered into a previous monthly competition.

18th February - Monochrome (PRINT)
Judge: TBC
Theme Description/Scope
Your entry needs to be a grayscale image ranging from black to white of any subject. Your photo may be toned entirely in a single colour e.g. sepia. However, no partial toning or an additional colour is permitted. A maximum of 3 monochrome images.

18th March - Travel Photography (PDI)
Judge: TBC
Theme Description/Scope
Travel photography, it includes the traditional elements of sun, sand and sea; ice cream in hand, under a canopy of endless blue sky. However, it might consist of the road less travelled. A great travel photo has the power to tell an entire story in a single image or even motivate to go to that destination.

15th April - Gardens (PRINT)
Judge: Phil Newman ARPS, AFIAP, BPE4*
Theme Description/Scope
Gardens whether botanical, historical, local or your own garden etc. You may include people or animals if they are part of your garden landscape. Colour is an important aspect of this competition.

29th April - Street Photography (PDI)
Judge: Steve Myall EFIAP/b, BPE5
Theme Description/Scope
Street photography documents everyday life in public places, it can be in streets or any public space. Generally involving the candid capture of strangers and scenes of public life in the ordinary day to day. People should feature in your photos but they do not need to be especially large in the frame.

20th May - Annual PRINT - OPEN competition
Judge: Carol McNiven Young FRPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/s, BPE5
Theme Description/Scope
As this is an OPEN competition images may be a mixture of both colour and monochrome, there is no restriction on subject matter. Members may enter a maximum of three images. Images may be either new or have been entered into a previous monthly competition.